This matrix is a self-assessment tool use to evaluate your prior knowledge and biases prior to and following the interactive scenario. The matrix focuses on four broad areas:

For each row, click on the statement that best describes your personal interactions.  Your selection will be highlighted in green.  Each area will be scored, and you will received an overall score for your rubric.  In some columns, you can use a drop down to choose a more specific score - for instance if the only some of the descriptors relate to your course you may want to select a lower score.  There is also a field for your rationale, which will be included in the report.  When you are done, click on “Get Report” at the bottom of the screen.

Understands personal assumptions about heterosexism to provide culturally humble care to LGBTQI2S individuals

Rate yourself:

  • Always acknowledges distress
  • Apologizes for specifics
  • Always clarifies correct name and pronouns
  • Clarifies social and legal transition

  • Sometimes acknowledges distress
  • Apologizes in general
  • Sometimes clarifies correct name and pronouns
  • Sometimes clarifies social and legal transition

  • Does not acknowledge distress
  • Does not apologize
  • Does not clarify correct name and pronouns
  • Does not clarify social and legal transition

Performs a gender-identity sensitive health history and physical exam with a transgender male who presents with respiratory symptoms to respect gender identity, empower patient, and provide optimal assessment

Rate yourself:

  • Asks for appropriate health information from patient (e.g. ask regarding top surgery)
  • Always applies appropriate draping
  • Consistently performs appropriate palpation and auscultation of chest

  • Somtimes asks for appropriate health information from patient (e.g. ask regarding top surgery)
  • Applies draping inappropriately
  • Sometimes performs appropriate palpation and auscultation of chest

  • Does not ask for appropriate health information from patient (e.g. ask regarding top surgery)
  • Does not apply draping
  • Does not perform appropriate palpation and auscultation of chest

Seeks to understand language of transgender person related to body and self to respect gender identity, empower patient, and provide optimal assessment Consistently and respectfully asks about patient’s preferred names for body parts related to the examination

Rate yourself:

  • Consistently and respectfully asks about patient’s preferred names for body parts related to the examination
  • Consistently and respectfully asks about possibility of pregnancy

  • Sometimes asks about patient’s preferred names for body parts related to the examination
  • Sometimes asks about possibility of pregnancy

  • Does not ask about patient’s preferred names for body parts related to the examination
  • Does not ask about possibility of pregnancy

Communicates appropriate gender-specific information when transferring care to another health care provider to ensure confidentiality and continuity of care

Rate yourself:

  • Consistently uses an SBAR approach to communicate relevant information to another health care provider
  • Consistently and respectfully communicates information without sensationalizing

  • Sometimes uses an SBAR approach to communicate relevant information to another health care provider
  • Sometimes communicates information without sensationalizing

  • Does not use an SBAR approach to communicate relevant information to another health care provider
  • Does not communicate information without sensationalizing